Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Fix by Force, by Jason Warne

Fix by Force, by Jason Warne, tells the story of Spencer, a high school student who is staggering under an enormous weight.  He is relentlessly bullied at school, he is dealing with the death of his father and the illness of his mother, he is wrestling with feelings of inadequacy and self-loathing, he is struggling to find his place in the world, and walking the line between playing the role he's believed has been dealt out to him, and forging his own path.  In short, he's dealing with what many teenagers are dealing with... but magnified to an alarming degree.  When a series of events lands him in a special school for kids with behavior problems, he turns to what he believes will solve all his problems:  steroids.

This was good (albeit heartwrenching) story, and a fast-paced, quick read.  The characters were well-developed, and I especially enjoyed the relationship between Spencer and the girl he meets at his new school.  The author was not afraid to delve into some very deep topics here, and the result felt honest and lifelike.  I found myself rooting for Spencer, and hoping that he would eventually find his way.

My one nitpick, if I had to make one, would be that the ending felt a little rushed.  I wanted more. Still, it was a good book that dealt with some important issues facing our young people today, and I think that it's worth a read by young and older adults alike.

I received this book for free from the BookLook Bloggers program in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.