Thursday, March 15, 2018

The Rescue, by Jim Cymbala

The Rescue, by Jim Cymbala, is a collection of true stories:  True stories about people who were lost, broken, and spiraling into a life of drugs, depression, and despair.  They are the stories of people who were lost... and then found.  People who healed, recovered, and found new hope.

This was a quick read (I read it in one afternoon), and a decent book.  I walked away with mixed feelings though.  It was well-written, and the stories were touching, but after reading a few, they all felt like the exact same story with different details.  Person has a tough life;  person turns to drugs or alcohol or other unhealthy self-medicating to escape the pain;  person gives up on life; person eventually turns to God and starts life anew.

The stories were inspiring to be sure, and feel-good endings are always nice.  They just felt a little... redundant.  Still, it was a well-written book, and a good little reminder about the redeeming power of faith.