Sunday, August 21, 2016

The Seven Laws of Love: Essential Principles For Building Stronger Relationships, by Dave Willis

The Seven Laws of Love, by Dave Willis, makes a strong case for the importance of love, and walks the reader through the seven principles that will help us get there.  Drawing from biblical references, Willis essentially outlines a blueprint for love that is intended to strengthen all of our relationships.  While the primary focus is on marriage (and other long-term commitments), the same principles apply whether one is addressing a relationship with their spouse, their children, their friends, or their coworkers.

Initially, I was not all that excited to read this book.  A book about love seemed like it might be dry and even tedious.  I was pleasantly surprised to find that this was not the case.  In fact the opposite was true.  Willis takes a serious topic and makes it light, readable, and practical without veering into an area of making it all fluff and no substance.  His writing style is conversational and down to earth, and he uses both humor and plenty of personal stories to make his point.  He delivers solid information without talking down to the reader, and has crafted a book that is well organized and easy to read.  I brought my copy on a recent road trip, and read it in its entirety in one day in the car.

Love is something that all of us could learn to understand - and execute - better.  This book helps you do exactly that.  It is a worthy addition to the bookshelf of anyone who wants their relationships to grow deeper, stronger, and more authentic.

*I received this book for free from the BookLook Bloggers program in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.*